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Legal Notice

Design, development and publishing of the site : :

Jérémie HAVEL

Tel. 0678563126
Mail : jeremie.havel@gmail.com

Establishment that owns the site :

Hotel Montaigne
2 Pasteur Square
24200 Sarlat

(+33) 5 53 31 93 88


Site content :

The site www.hotelmontaigne.fr is owned by the #8217 hotel Montaigne and Jérémie HAVEL.
The #8217 information provided on this site is presented as an indication and general.
The products and services presented on this site are intended to be used according to contractual terms and rates in force.
The #8217 Montaigne Hotel reserves the right to change at any time, without notice, The content of the site.


The #8217 of this site is covered by French and international legislation on #8217 and intellectual property.

Any full or partial reproduction of this site is strictly prohibited without express and prior permission from Jeremiah HAVEL and the #8217 Hotel Montaigne (Article L335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code). The #8217 access to our site gives you a right to #8217 private and non-exclusive use of this site.

Logos, visuals and trademarks on this site are the property of their respective owners.

Despite all the care taken to make the site's content up and for updates, neither Jeremiah HAVEL nor the #8217 Montaigne Hotel can be held responsible for amending the legal provisions, or of any kind, occurring after publication.

This site is subject to French law and the competent courts are the French courts.


The #8217 of all the personal data collected on this site, including, The name, First name, #8217 e-mail address, constitute confidential data. This information will not be shared with third parties.
By communication of the #8217 e-mail address, the #8217 user of the site agrees that its email address be used by the Jeremie HAVEL for the transmission of #8217 information.

In accordance with the #8217 34 78-17 Computer Science and Freedom of 06/01/1978 , you have a #8217 right of #8217, change, correcting and deleting the data about you. To exercise this right of #8217 access, write to Jeremiah HAVEL.

Numéro de Déclaration à la Cnil : 1385396
Simplified reference standard number : NS-48


Information collected through the forms will not be disclosed to persons other than those that are components of our facility..

Some of the information on these forms is optional, #8217 mandatory and clearly stated so that your answers are sufficient to allow us to process the information #8217.


Any hyperlink creation pointing to the site https://www.hotelmontaigne.fr/ requires requesting a prior written agreement to Jeremiah HAVEL. The #8217 #8217 a hyperlink to the site https://www.hotelmontaigne.fr/ to another site does not constitute validation of this site or its content, Jeremiah HAVEL cannot exercise control over the content of these sites and cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations made by these third parties. It is also important to #8217 remember the risks inherent in the electronic transmission of #8217 information : delays, omissions or inaccuracies are likely to occur. The user #8217 is solely responsible for this use. In addition, This site may have been, unbeknownst to him, linked to #8217 other sites by hyperlinks, Jérémie HAVEL and the #8217 Hotel Montaigne do not #8217 allow this type of links or practices.
Jérémie HAVEL and the #8217 Hotel Montaigne disclaim any responsibility, and gives no guarantees, explicit or implied for the information presented on these other sites, their content and relationships with Jeremiah and HAVEL Hotel Montaigne.

privacy policy :

We will take all steps that we deem reasonably necessary to ensure that your information is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and cookies. Only our establishment is the recipient of your Personal Information. These, either in individual or collective form, are never transmitted to third. We make sure your personal data stays accurate and up-to-date. However, you are responsible for informing us of any changes to your personal data and other information (such as changing the coordinates).

Although we take these steps to ensure the security of your information, you should be aware of the many information security risks that exist and take appropriate precautions to help you protect your information. The Internet's nature is such that we can not guarantee the security of information you transmit to us electronically, and any transmission is at your own risk.

You may revoke your consent to the processing of data at any time by sending an email to the email stated in part “Publisher Site” the same page. You may request at any time information about the personal data we hold about you or ask us to correct them or delete them.
